The current Obamacare Law requires employers to provide contraceptives to all employees. This is being challenged by several cases currently before the Supreme Court.
Politico (Washington, D.C.) (11/26)
The current Obamacare Law requires employers to provide contraceptives to all employees. This is being challenged by several cases currently before the Supreme Court.
Politico (Washington, D.C.) (11/26)
With difficulty is accessing the Affordable Care Act’s website, many are choosing to use Paper Applications. Whether Paper of internet your best solution may be to contact a licensed Insurance Agent to assist. Whether it is a Small Group or an Individual need, the Covered California or the ACA options are not easily understood. Call your insurance agent and ask to be directed to a “Licensed health Insurance Agent” .
WILL YOU BE ABLE TO KEEP YOU CURRENT HEALTH PLAN? Even though the President announced the government would allow health insurers to continue to offer coverage that doesn’t comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACT) requirements, the issue is far from resolved. State regulators must decide whether of not to allow plans to be implemented that violate Federal law. Most states are still deciding how to proceed.
The Washington Post (tiered subscription model)/WonkBlog (11/18),
Starting this year, up to $500 in Flexible Savings Accounts may be carried over at the end on the year. This is optional, as employers are not required to comply. Los Angeles Times (tiered subscription model) (10/31),